Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dia numero uno (day number one)

Hey everyone! I had a break after lunch this afternoon so I thought I would sit down and give you an update on my first day here in Merida:

This morning I woke up around 9 and took a shower and had a quiet time. It was weird to think it is a Sunday and I wasn’t at church! My mom made pancakes for breakfast (or “hotcakes” as my family calls them) and we all ate together. My host sister, Silvia was there and so I got to meet her. She was at a Birthday party for a friend last night so I didn’t get to meet her until this morning but I really like her. She is 23 and just started a new job so she’s not at home much anymore. My mom jokingly told me that I was their “replacement daughter.” It’s obvious that she is really close to her parents and has a good relationship with her family.
After breakfast, Silvia (my mom ) and Silvia ( my sister) brought me to “el Centro” to show me around. We went to the museum of anthropology which was amazing! It was so neat to see things I had read and studied about in real life- there were a ton of old Mayan artifacts and I enjoyed learning a little more about the history of Merida. The museum was located in an old mansion and is gorgeous. I found it hard to believe that someone once lived in a house that huge! After exploring the museum, we walked around the zocolo and looked at the things people were selling and stopped to watch some traditional dancers. On Sundays, everyone goes to el centro to hang out and see friends and shop so there were a ton of people out and about which as fun to see.
Around 2, we headed home and my mom made lunch-spaghetti, chicken, and salad ( I defiantly have a feeling I won’t go hungry around here) and we all sat down to eat and talk. I love getting to know my family and hear all their stories. Silvia had us all just about rolling on the floor laughing explaining her opinion ff the discos or dancing clubs…(let’s just say she’s not a huge fan) and it was fun telling them all about my family and friends back home. They got a kick out of how big my family was and think it’s crazy that we live in such cold weather.
Now, its siesta time (which I have missed since being in Mexico) and then afterwards, we’re going on a tour of another part of the city.
I am defiantly enjoying my time here so far although I miss my family and friends back home a lot. I am so thankful that I have a great host family who really want to get to know me and make sure I am doing well. I can tell already that it’s going to be hard to say goodbye and it’s only my first day here! Tomorrow we are going to the school where I will get to meet the other students and officially start orientation. Well, I want better get going! Hasta pronto!

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